
Things I am

Things I do

Tools I use

Programming languages

I usually program in C#, TypeScript, and Rust. I’m able to hack my way around other languages when I need to, though!

Operating systems

I dual-boot Windows and Fedora on my desktop and use exclusively Fedora on my laptop. My newer servers use Rocky, but my older ones still use Proxmox. I had a Nix phase, but am actively moving away from it.

Tech and programming

I primarily use Visual Studio Code, Rider, and Zed, falling back to Visual Studio Code for most misc file editing. I use Vim emulation in my editors (but I’m not very good at it). For styling, I use Catppuccin Latte as a theme, and either Comic Code Ligatures or Inconsolata Nerd Font for my font.

Reverse engineering

I tend to do most of my reverse engineering on Windows, because I don’t like working inside of Wine. I don’t suggest using Cheat Engine nowadays because of its adware-filled installer.

Internet and chat

I use Betterbird on Linux because of its tray icon. I use moonlight with my Discord client (because I made it). I don’t check Cinny or Quassel often.


In the future, I’d like to stop using Spotify completely, and only listen to music I buy off of Bandcamp.

Creative work

Krita is traditionally an art program, but I use it as an image editor on Linux because I don’t like GIMP. I don’t suggest using Audacity nowadays because of its heavy push on cloud saves. I only use Blender to fix and arrange models, since I don’t know how to model.

Organization and personal life

I tend to not use Obsidian much, but I used to more frequently in the past. Most of my note taking nowadays happens in the Signal “Note to Self” channel and a personal Discord server. Vikunja is a little buggy with the web UI, so I only use it through Tasks.org.


In addition to this list, I also use a custom new tab page that I wrote myself, which combines Kagi + Vikunja + FreshRSS + OpenWeather.
